By topic: Leases
Unlock Aircraft Tax Deductions: Overcome Passive Loss Limits
One of the biggest hurdles to deducting losses from the business use of an aircraft is the passive activity loss limitation. Even with careful planning, you might find yourself stuck with passive losses that can’t offset income from other sources. This article details the tax strategies you need to effectively deduct your aircraft losses and navigate the complex passive loss rules.
Make Sure Your Real Estate Options Pay Off
You may have heard that options are the perfect way to increase profits on real estate investments and rentals. Well, perfect is probably an overstatement, but good profits are available when you know what you are doing. You also need to know the tax rules to avoid any clauses, charges, and events that can turn options into sales—and trigger taxes when you least expect them.
Tax Deductions for Investments in Raw Land
Purchasing raw land is a great way to get into real estate investing. But your tax deductions are more limited than for improved property. Some expenses are deductible as itemized personal deductions; many others aren’t deductible at all. If you don’t itemize, you get no immediate benefit from your deductions. But if you make the proper annual tax election, your taxable profit will be reduced when you ultimately sell the property.
Buy or Lease a Business Vehicle: Which Costs Less?
Although personal considerations come into play, the choice between buying and leasing a vehicle for your business ultimately boils down to cost. So it’s essential to understand how to compute and compare the costs and to have the right tools to make those computations easy. This article gives you what you need.
State Tax Benefits and Rebates for Electric Vehicles
Eight states offer tax rebates or credits to residents who purchase or lease electric vehicles. You collect the state rebates or credits in addition to the federal tax credit. In many cases, the state credits are available for electric vehicles that don’t qualify for the federal credit because of strict domestic sourcing rules for batteries.
Tax Credits for Electric Vehicles: The Latest from the IRS
With the release of new IRS regulations, the many restrictions on the clean vehicle tax credit for electric vehicles (EVs) take full effect. As a result, only 22 EVs qualified for the clean vehicle tax credit as of April 18, 2023, although this number will likely grow during the year. But the tax rules give you some other ways to claim a federal tax credit for an EV, such as by leasing an EV, buying a used EV, or claiming the commercial clean vehicle credit for business-use EVs.
PDF Download: The Five Most-Read Articles of 2022
Of the dozens and dozens of tax-saving articles published by the Bradford Tax Institute in 2022, there were five that stuck out. Download this PDF to capture the five articles in one document.
Q&A: Two More Reasons NOT to Rent Equipment to Your Corporation
Should you buy equipment, vehicles, and other personal property in your personal name or an LLC name and then rent them to your corporation? There’s much to consider, as you learn in this Q&A.
Will the Newly Released Section 199A Rental Safe Harbor Work for You?
In January, an IRS Notice gave you a Section 199A safe-harbor option for your rental properties, possibly making it easier for you to qualify for this new tax deduction. Now, the IRS has made a number of changes to its original notice and finalized the safe harbor in a Revenue Procedure. We’ll tell you all you need to know about the final version. Then you can decide if you want to use the safe harbor or find other ways to qualify your rentals for the Section 199A deduction.
TCJA Allows Bonus Depreciation on Purchase of Leased Vehicle
Good news, bad news! Bad news: as in prior years, buying the vehicle you lease destroys any opportunity to claim Section 179 expensing. Good news: the TCJA added two new provisions that now allow you to claim bonus depreciation on the purchase of a vehicle that you lease.
Q&A: Is a Triple Net Lease to a C Corporation QBI?
You operate your professional practice as a C corporation. Your spouse rents your office to your C corporation on a triple net lease. Does your spouse qualify for the Section 199A deduction on the rental income, and if not, what can be done about it?
Section 179 Deduction: When Your Vehicle Lease Is Not a Lease
Is your lease a lease? Are you sure? There are lots of funny rules that make what looks like a lease a purchase—and make what looks like a conditional sales agreement a lease. This article shows you what happened to Arthur Boyce and gives you a number of tips to help you avoid his plight.
2018 Last-Minute Year-End General Business Deductions
Your year-end tax planning doesn’t have to be hard. This article takes your daily activities and identifies easy year-end tax-planning moves you can make today. Our five strategies will increase your tax deductions or reduce your taxable income so that Uncle Sam gets less of your 2018 cash.
New IRS Regs: Does Your Rental Qualify for a 199A Deduction?
Section 199A gives you up to a 20 percent tax deduction for your pass-through business income. Do your rental activities count? We’ll go over what the proposed Section 199A regulations say about your rental activities and whether those activities qualify you as an individual for this possible 20 percent tax deduction.
Does the IRS Mileage Rate Cost You Deductions on a Leased Vehicle?
Are you going to lease your next business vehicle? Are you eligible to use IRS mileage rates? If so, both the IRS and the leasing company are going to give you rules to ponder and expenses to consider before you select your tax-deduction method—either the IRS mileage rate or the actual expense method.
2015 Last-Minute Year-End General Business Deductions
This article takes your daily activity and identifies five easy year-end tax-planning strategies. Here are two examples from the article: prepaying your expenses under the IRS safe harbor and simply not billing customers and patients until 2016. These two strategies are certainly easy, as are the other three strategies in this article.
How to Lease-Option the Sale of Your Home or Investment House
If you are looking for creative ways to get rid of a house that won’t sell, consider the lease-option. This strategy only works with the right tenant and your correct use. But get this right and it’s a nice deal for everyone involved. Make sure you avoid the traps that blow up the deal and add extra taxes to your tax bill. After all, your real purpose with the lease-option is to increase your cash flow and keep your taxes to a minimum.
Three Often Overlooked Tax Deductions When You Lease a Vehicle
Lease or buy? That’s the question you often face when you want to replace your business vehicle. To help you get maximum tax-deduction benefits should you decide to lease, examine the three often overlooked tax deductions in this article.
Tax Deductions for Entertainment Facility, Part 5: Hunting
In this article, part 5 of the entertainment facility discussion, you learn how lawmakers take shots at your hunting activities. First, both real and personal property involved in your hunting activities face the entertainment facility disallowance rules. Leasing land for the hunt has its problems too. But if you like to hunt, and if you would like to learn how to deduct your hunting, this article is for you!
Rats! Related Parties Destroy Qualified Leasehold Improvements
As the landlord or the lessee, you get big tax breaks when you can take advantage of a qualified leasehold improvement. We gave you those details last month. But if the landlord and the lessee are tax law-defined related parties, you can kiss those tax-favored benefits good-bye. In this article, you learn who those related parties are so you can avoid the kiss good-bye.
Huge Tax Deductions for Landlords and Tenants, Last Call
Do you own an office building or commercial retail building that you lease? Are you a tenant in an office building or retail space? Are you considering some leasehold improvements to the space? If so, you need to get your act together lickety-split, as time is running out on IRS-approved huge tax deductions for “qualified leasehold improvement property.”
How to Maximize Tax Deductions on New Business-Vehicle Leases
You may be leaving thousands and even tens of thousands of dollars in unclaimed tax deductions on the table if you traded in a vehicle you owned on the lease of a business vehicle. Here’s a look at why the money gets left on the table. It’s a simple matter of thinking that this was a trade. For tax purposes, it was not a trade. And that’s usually good for your pocketbook.
Trap to Avoid: Leasing When You Thought You Were Buying—or Vice Versa
Once you decide whether to buy or lease your business vehicle, you need to ensure that the actual transaction you enter into is the one you intended. It’s not simply a matter of what you call it. The actual terms of the agreement must make it a “true lease” or a purchase. If the IRS finds that the lease is not a lease or that a purchase is not a purchase, the IRS re-characterizes the transaction, charges you additional taxes, and then hits you with hefty penalties.
Buy or Lease a Business Vehicle: Which Costs Less?
Although personal considerations come into play, the choice between buying and leasing a vehicle for your business ultimately boils down to cost. So it’s essential to understand how to compute and compare the costs and to have the right tools to make those computations easy. This article gives you what you need.
Buy or Lease: 10 Tax and Money Factors That Decide
Buy or lease? That is the question you must answer when you acquire a new vehicle for your business. Unfortunately, like most business owners, you may simply not know the right way to weigh the options. Result: You could end up paying more than you should and/or miss out on glorious tax savings. Here’s what you need to know to ensure this doesn’t happen.
Avoid the Section 179 Gotcha When Renting Equipment to Your Corporation
If possible, you want to take money from your corporation in some form other than salaries and wages, on which you pay payroll taxes. One such tactic, the lease of Section 179 personal property to your corporation, can accomplish this, but it rubs against one big gotcha and two steep hurdles. This article shows you how to avoid the gotcha, avoid the hurdles, and get the result you want.
Tax Deductions Lost in Owner’s Equipment Rentals to His Corporation
If you, or another entity you own, rent buildings or equipment to your business activity, you likely face the self-rental rules. If you are unsure of what the self-rental rules mean and you have these types of rentals, you absolutely need to read this article.
Buy the Building, Rent It to Your Business, Avoid the Self-Rental Trap, and Create Legal Protection with Tax-Deduction Shelter
As you know from last month’s article, the self-rental rules can catch you unaware and alter your rental property tax benefits. You can solve the self-rental problems by eliminating the rental and having your business own the building. That’s one solution. This article gives you a second solution that you might like better. Here, we show you how to qualify for a special election that allows you to treat your rental and your business as one activity for federal tax purposes. This can give you the best of both worlds: (1) legal protection and (2) tax shelter.
Short-Term Rental Creates Hotel, Destroys Rental Loss Deductions
The real estate professional exception that can create rental property loss deductions does not apply to properties rented for an average of seven days or less.
Tax Tips to Find a Profitable Rental Property
This article contains our Rental Property Analyzer software to help you analyze your possible real estate investments in an absolutely understandable and meaningful way. If you are thinking of buying a rental property, you absolutely, positively must read this article and use this software, which is included in your subscription.
Tax Tips for Rental, Non-Rental, and Business Losses
You want to deduct your business, rental, and non-rental losses when possible, because those deductions put cash in your pocket. The sooner you get the cash, the faster you can put that cash to work for you building your net worth. This article helps you realize those losses sooner.
Tax Tips on Equipment Leases to C Corporation
Renting to your corporation can produce tax advantages. Even failing to collect the corporate rent, as the individual did in this court case, can produce tax advantages.
Tax Cut for Prepaid Expenses Pays Better Than Seen at First Glance
Prepaying expenses has been a most overlooked tax planning strategy because it is misunderstood. Proper use of the new safe-harbor prepayment rules can guarantee the prepayment deduction. Continued use of prepayments combined with strong investment returns can produce a nice addition to your net worth.
Tax Tips Needed on Land and Self-Rental Passive Loss Traps
The tax strategy of renting property you own personally to your businesses needs your attention if you want tax benefits. Similarly, special recharacterization rules apply to rentals of land and also when land is a big part of the rental.
Qualifying for Rental Real Estate’s Tax-Favored $25,000 Allowance
Learn how to qualify for the rental real estate active investor category for deducting rental property losses of up to $25,000. You can plan deductions to lower the $100,000 and $150,000 ceilings.
Inheritance Advice for the Family Home
Distributing the assets of an estate needs a tax plan to ensure the favorable results embedded in the tax law.
Buy Your Office
If you are currently renting your office, you should consider buying it. When your business purchases your office, you avoid most of the tax law hardships imposed on the purchase of a rental property. Use the Rent/Buy Office Analyzer, a program included in your subscription to this newsletter, to see the answers to all the qualifying questions. It also puts everything into numbers you can understand, the biggest of which is your “annual compound profit.” This is huge.
Deductions When You Turn In Your Leased Vehicle
Are you turning in a leased vehicle? For the business use of the vehicle, you can deduct excess mileage charge and the early termination fees.
Make Sure the New 2007 Business Vehicle Luxury Limits Don’t Stick It to You
The government penalizes you if you drive a luxury vehicle. Further, the government’s idea of luxury and the reality do not match.
Your First Home Could Be Your Best Investment Ever
To rent or to buy? That is a question. Use this easy software that comes with this article to find what’s best, after taxes—no guesswork. Identify 12 reasons why renting is best. Identify 11 reasons why buying is best. Consider everything in just a few minutes.
Renting Property to Your Corporation Problem
Section 280A(c)(6) forbids the home-office deduction when you rent home-office space to your corporation. Whenever you have transactions with or your owned corporations, partnerships, and other entities, you face rules in the tax . As Gary and Delores Beecher recently , of the related-party rules produce harsh results.
New Rules for Writing Off Leasehold Improvements
New rules increase the tenant’s ability to first use shorter depreciation periods during the life of the lease and then write off the undepreciated balance of leasehold improvements at the end of the lease. The proper application and intertwining of the new rules enable both landlords and tenants to put cash in their pockets.
How Shared Equity Protects the Rent-to-Own Arrangement
Shared equity is tax law’s officially designed rent-to-own your home program. For this to work, it takes two parties: (1) a landlord-investor and (2) a tenant-investor. The landlord-investor benefits because he has no vacancies, few hassles, no management fees, and a known cash flow. The tenant-investor benefits because he gets into this home with little or no down payment, builds equity while paying rent, and gets detailed knowledge about the property while living there. At some agreed future point in time, the landlord-investor sells his or her interest in the property to the tenant-investor or the two of them sell the property to a third party.
New 2006 Standard Mileage Rates
You probably should hate the IRS for the mileage rate. First, the mileage rate creates the illusion that you don’t need a mileage log (wrong!). Second, individuals who start in business think that the mileage rate makes their tax life easy and that it doesn’t make much difference financially (generally, wrong). Third, mileage-rate addicts think that the mileage rate takes care of everything—then they cost themselves money by failing to deduct a loss on the sale of a business vehicle and overlook the business person’s tax deduction for interest on a car loan.