W. Murray Bradford, Publisher of the Tax Reduction Letter,
makes this no-risk, limited time offer...

It can help you put cash 

where you need it most:
in your pocket!"

"Try my Tax Reduction Letter,
right now, absolutely FREE. 

“The Tax Reduction Letter is a tremendous source of practical, tax saving ideas that I can put to immediate use. It has saved me lots of money and has paid for itself many times over!

Marty Walden

Schlager, Schlager & Levin

Ft. Myers, Fla.

W. Murray Bradford, CPA

Editor and Publisher of the Tax Reduction Letter

Murray Bradford Signature

W. Murray Bradford is a distinguished senior Price Waterhouse alumnus and the author of Business Tax Deduction Master Guide, Bottom-Line Results, Income Tax Reduction Strategies for Property Owners, Tax Aspects of Financial Planning, and numerous other publications.

W. Murray Bradford is the founder and creator of the highly-regarded Tax Reduction Seminar. He is the publisher and editor of the Tax Diary System and has served as a top-rated instructor of the Becker CPA review course for over fifteen years. He is also the first outside person selected to serve as the “Official Spokesperson” for the J. K. Lasser Tax Institute.

W. Murray Bradford has been a guest on hundreds of radio and television shows and is often quoted in publications like The Wall Street Journal, Changing Times, Money, Fortune, USA Today, and the Journal of the American Society of CLU.

W. Murray Bradford is licensed as a CPA in California and Minnesota, and is a member of the California Society of CPAs, the Minnesota Society of CPAs, the Greater Washington D.C. Society of CPAs, and the American Institute of CPAs.

Dear Self-employed Business Owner:

“Your Tax Reduction Letter saved me tens of thousands of dollars on an IRS tax audit. I can’t thank you enough for not only the strategies, but probably, most importantly, the documentation tips in your terrific publication!”

Milt Seropan
Seropan Enterprises
San Francisco, Calif.

“All my accountant used to do is input the numbers I supplied. I never got the kind of practical advice that your Tax Reduction Letter provides every month. Now, I use the Tax Reduction Letter to share ideas with my accountant and ensure their implementation!”

Frank Ronsse

Anchor’s End

Ketchum, Okla.

“What I love about the Tax Reduction Letter, aside from the fact that it saves me lots of money, is that it’s easy to read and understand. Keep up the great work!”

Bill Dawson
ERA Realty Pros
Ledyard, Conn.

Sure, you can pay a huge tax bill to the IRS. But why?

You see, when you try my Tax Reduction Letter I’ll show you how to SLASH your tax bill and take every legal deduction you’re entitled to. And that’s just for starters.

Oh, I know what you’re probably thinking right now . . .

“What do I need your Tax Reduction Letter for? My accountant takes care of my taxes.”

Well, let me tell you as directly as I can. You couldn’t be more mistaken and here’s why . . . 

Three facts about your accountant you need to know now.

First of all, let me be perfectly clear. I respect accountants tremendously and have spent a long and proud career as an accountant myself. But this doesn’t change three terribly important facts:

Fact #1: Taxes are just a small part of your accountant’s work load. The simple truth is that accountants spend large amounts of time with bookkeeping, form filing, compliance, loan applications, consulting, valuations, audits, and more. All of which takes time away from attention to your very special tax situation.


Fact #2: Your accountant has very little contact with you during the year. Which means he or she is unlikely to know about your day-to-day business and financial affairs. At tax time accountants ask for your numbers, enter them in their computer, and push “Enter.” The result? They may be missing BIG tax deductions that you are entitled to!


Fact #3: You keep the tax records. You spend the money. You make the decisions. This means your accountant is often nothing more than a Monday morning quarterback. The fact is, you have to know how to save on taxes yourself and can’t leave it all to your busy accountant!

If you want to start saving money on taxes, click on the button below . . .

What will you learn when you start reading the Tax Reduction Letter?

Here’s just some of what we’ve covered, or will cover, in our easy-to-read, easy-to-understand publication:

  • IRS audits — 23 strategies for avoiding them 
  • How to use a little-known rule that can DOUBLE certain entertainment deductions 
  • How to “write off” the cost of a cruise without working while on-board the ship 
  • How to claim business deductions for your medical expenses 
  • How to hire your spouse without triggering payroll taxes 
  • How hiring your children can put tax money in your pocket without costing your children any taxes 
  • What a “cost segregation strategy” is and how to put it to work for you 
  • New rules that make antiques valuable business assets 
  • The one vehicle mistake that can cost you thousands, even tens of thousands of dollars 
  • Five easily overlooked vehicle deductions 
  • The truth about appointment books and auto logs 
  • One simple tactic that makes your deductions stand up and shout, “I am deductible” 
  • Why choosing the right form of business is critical to your business and financial health 
  • Why you need a tax plan to get the most from your Social Security benefits 
  • How to deduct entertainment costs when you’re paying only for yourself 
  • When the use of an office in your home actually reduces your chances of an IRS audit 
  • And MUCH more! 

The next step is easy . . . Click on the button below and put my Tax Reduction Letter to the test. 

My free trial gives you total access to the last few issues of the Tax Reduction Letter. You’ll have seven days to review these issues and see for yourself how powerful the information they contain really is.

But don’t take my word for it. See for yourself how my easy-to-understand Tax Reduction Letter can save you money. BIG money.

Why am I making this free, limited-time offer? Because I’m so sure you’ll be impressed with what I’ve got waiting for you that you’ll want to subscribe at a low introductory price, with your satisfaction guaranteed.

So act now. Click the button below, and let me prove what a tremendous money-saver my Tax Reduction Letter really is!


W. Murray Bradford, CPA

Editor and Publisher

The Tax Reduction Letter

P.S. I want you to know that thousands and thousands of subscribers are devoted readers of the Tax Reduction Letter. Doesn’t it make sense to take advantage of this free trial offer and see for yourself what all the excitement is about? CLICK HERE and you’re on your way to saving BIG on taxes. That’s a personal promise!

What business owners 
have to say about the
Tax Reduction Letter

“To be honest, I was always terrified of an IRS audit. But now, thanks to the Tax Reduction Letter, I know how to maximize tax savings while staying fully compliant with the law. I sleep a whole lot better thanks to you!”

John Gaddis

John M. Gaddis and Associates

San Antonio, Texas

“I can honestly say Tax Reduction Letter gives me no nonsense, soup-to-nuts ways to save thousands on my tax bills."

Jeannie Hamilton

Hamilton Properties Residential Real Estate

Boulder, Colo.

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Here’s how the “Tax Reduction Letter”

can save small-business owners a fortune!

At the beginning of every month the “Tax Reduction Letter” sends subscribers an email alert containing a private link to a brand new, thoroughly-researched and footnoted article. The kind of article you can check out now when you take advantage of our 7-day, free access-to-articles offer.

The “Tax Reduction Letter” keeps track of changes to the law, decisions in the courts, and combs through IRS rules and regulations for ways to save you money. Big money.

The bottom line? The “Tax Reduction Letter” will keep you up to date on totally legal strategies you can use immediately!

Don’t miss this chance to see for yourself how the “Tax Reduction Letter” can help you take advantage of every single tax break Uncle Sam has to offer. 

What have you got to lose but a huge tax bill?

Questions? Contact Us. We're glad to help. 

Bradford Tax Institute

Subscription Services

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San Rafael, CA 94903

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