Article Date:
January 2021

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ABLE Accounts: A Great Deal for the Disabled and Their Families

Sixty-one million adults and over 12.6 million children in the United States have some type of disability.1


If you have a disabled or blind child or other family member, or are disabled or blind yourself, you should know about ABLE accounts.


These tax-advantaged accounts for the disabled are relatively new (they first became available in 2015), and they remain little known. This is a shame.


The accounts can be a real game changer for the disabled because they allow disabled individuals to save a fair amount of money without losing government benefits.


Why It’s Hard for the Disabled to Save Money


Many disabled individuals and their families rely on means-tested government benefits, such as Supplement Security Income (SSI), Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), food stamps (SNAP), Medicaid, and government housing vouchers. Some 8.5 million people receive disabled-worker benefits from Social Security.


The government benefits are ordinarily suspended if a disabled or blind person accumulates over $2,000 in cash or other countable assets. This ... Log in to view full article.

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